Somewhere deep in our brain, in our nerve cells, resides our personality, thoughts, feelings, and desires. However, we rarely realize how fragile the foundation on which our consciousness rests can be. Sometimes, a single stressful situation, accident, or genetic defect can transform our “self” into something unrecognizable.


Disorder The symptoms of bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic-depressive psychosis, usually start between the ages of 15 and 30. Scientists believe that the disease is partially genetic, as it often runs in families. A stressful event or drug use may also be a contributing factor that can accelerate or trigger the onset of this disorder. The symptoms of the disease are most likely caused by an imbalance of chemical compounds, known as neurotransmitters, in the brain.


Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was not only the most famous scientist in the world but also, according to some, one of the well-known individuals with Asperger’s syndrome. This syndrome, classified as an autistic disorder, means that a person has difficulties with communication and social interactions. Einstein was said to be a loner in his childhood and repeated the same phrases constantly. However, he was known for his excellent sense of humor, which is not typical of individuals with severe Asperger’s syndrome. More severe forms of autism can be diagnosed in infants as young as 12-18 months, although parents often fail to recognize them. They may believe that they have a “good baby” because the child is calm and undemanding. Nonetheless, some symptoms are relatively easy to recognize.

3.Paranoid Disorder

There are several types of schizophrenia, and paranoid disorder is the most well-known. One of the typical symptoms is hallucinations, which can be auditory (hearing voices in your head telling you something), visual, or tactile. Up to 5% of schizophrenics end their lives by suicide or attempt to do so. Genetic and environmental factors are responsible for the onset of schizophrenia.

4.Antisocial personality disorder

Most people associate this concept with someone like Ted Bundy (1946-1989). This serial killer committed 30 murders in the 1970s. Bundy was also highly intelligent, had a nice home, and was well-liked among people. He was eventually sentenced to death for his crimes. Of course, not all individuals with antisocial personality disorder are murderers. This disorder occurs in 3 percent of men and 1 percent of women in the general population, which means that antisocial personalities can also be found among politicians, priests, and corporate managers. At first glance, these people may appear quite charming and even charismatic, much like Ted Bundy. However, inside they are cold and calculating. They are ruthless in achieving their goals, have no conscience, sense of guilt, or simple empathy. They can lie and manipulate others without blinking an eye. One of the ways they can achieve their goals is through violence. Scientists believe that this type of behavior originates from brain structure, so psychopaths are formed this way from birth. There are many publications that suggest that the brains of people with psychopathy not only function differently from the brains of healthy individuals, but also have a different structure. This applies, for example, to those parts of the brain that are responsible for emotions. Patients with antisocial personality simply do not feel anything, do not experience fear, and do not fear pain.

5.Capgras syndrome

Imagine coming home from work and finding someone in your home. They look like your partner, they’re dressed the same, but it’s definitely not them. There is a feeling that someone has replaced your spouse with an identical twin. This is a typical symptom of Capgras syndrome, which is a relatively rare condition. People with similar disorders are a good subject of research for scientists because their behavior says a lot about how our brains work. Interestingly, people with Capgras syndrome recognize their loved ones on the phone, but when they meet them, they consider them to be imposters.