Unfortunately, feelings of fear are a sign of our time. It is estimated that every other person has experienced uncontrolled anxiety in their life. However, if you have the right knowledge about what can cause anxiety, you can cope with it. It is said that we live in a problematic time. The pace of life, which creates a lot of stress, does not help maintain mental peace. Therefore, there is a simple way to disrupt the nervous balance, which is anxiety or panic attacks.

How do feelings of anxiety and fear manifest?

The feeling of anxiety and fear can occasionally happen to everyone. Each of us is afraid of something, wants to run away from something, or tries to forget something. Fear is a natural emotion that can arise in a threatening situation, such as losing a job or falling ill. Anxiety, on the other hand, is a state in which we experience intense stress just at the thought of something. So worries do not arise so much from the real threat that something will happen, but rather from the idea of it.

The state of anxiety and fear can manifest in several ways. It most commonly appears together with fear and does not allow for rational thinking. A person experiencing anxiety often has dilated pupils and is upset. Somatic symptoms such as palpitations, headaches, chest tightness, or even difficulty breathing may occur.

When these somatic symptoms appear, we usually refer to it as anxiety neurosis. Not every anxiety attack is an anxiety neurosis, but it is worth knowing about the existence of such a disease that is not life-threatening but can effectively hinder normal functioning for some time.

Causes of fear and anxiety

Occasional feelings of fear or anxiety should not concern us. We cannot always cope with stressful situations as we would like. However, the problem arises when anxiety states begin to occur more and more often and over time turn into a chronic form. People who suffer from chronic anxiety often withdraw from social life, stop fulfilling their duties at work, and have increasingly greater difficulties in maintaining normal interpersonal relationships.

Among the most common causes of constant anxiety are chronic stress (in everyday life or at work), improper family and social relationships, or fear for one’s health. Constant anxiety can also occur as a result of a traumatizing event in our lives that we cannot overcome.

It happens that anxiety is caused by a lack of adequate sleep and improper nutrition. If we don’t provide our body with enough sleep for a long time (about 8 hours/day), our nervous system will suffer. A diet low in certain vitamins and minerals can also cause anxiety. Doctors believe that a deficiency of magnesium, potassium, and B vitamins can worsen anxiety.

How to deal with feelings of anxiety and fear?

One of the best ways is psychotherapy. A psychologist can help you find the source of the problem, which can be a breakthrough in the fight against neurosis. What if we can’t go to therapy for various reasons? Remember that many therapists and psychiatrists are also available online.

Many people also find help with meditation – you can find many instructional videos online. Sports like running, walking, or swimming can also be very helpful. Yoga and meditation are also suitable, and it can be as simple as watching a peaceful movie or TV series. The key to managing neurosis is to provide yourself with positive stimuli that will direct your thoughts towards relieving symptoms. It is also important to understand that this condition will not last forever. We are stronger than we think, we just need to remind ourselves of that.