What price you pay when you work for a toxic boss: 4 serious consequences

Great leaders inspire employees and discover more and more talents in them, while toxic managers deprive people of motivation, physical and intellectual strength. A psychotherapist talks about the harm of such bosses for both individual employees and the company as a whole. A lot of my clients complain: “My boss is a tyrant. I need […]
Soft skills are the key to career growth: how to identify and develop them

Soft skills are skills that are in demand in every profession and field of activity. It is thanks to them that employees are able to fulfil work tasks faster and move up the career ladder. The founder of an IT platform for assessing flexible skills tells us how soft skills affect career development and how […]
6 steps to an easy work week: spend your Sunday right

We hear: “Monday …” and immediately add on the machine – “a hard day.” But he shouldn’t be like that! What should be done on Sunday to facilitate the start of workdays? As much as I would like to be the person who shows up to work on Monday on time, after a morning workout, […]
How to withstand criticism at work: 4 tips for women – advice from a business coach

Remarks and attacks sting all of us, but women more than men, because girls are taught from an early age to be softer, more compliant, more patient. How do you respond to criticism without losing your self-confidence? HOW WOMEN ARE EVALUATED It turns out that managers rate the way men and women work differently. A […]
Why New Year’s Resolutions don’t change your life

As the calendar is slowly approaching the last page of this year, I wondered if you already have resolutions. If you are one of those who don’t solve life improvements in this way, that’s fine. If you are looking forward to January 1st, 2017 and opening the doors of the gym, buying an apple instead […]
Extrovert – What type of personality is it? What is the best job for an extrovert?

Extrovert is one of the personality types that was first defined in the research of Carl Gustav Jung. The Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist believed that extroverts are people whose attention and activity are primarily focused on the external world. This also implied their easy communication with other people and high adaptability. Later, Jung’s research was […]

From reducing company expenses, terminating employment contracts, to poor work ethic of an employee, there can be multiple reasons why you may lose your job. Sudden job loss can be unsettling at first, but it can also be an excellent opportunity for personal growth. Moving forward cannot be done without these 7 unpopular steps. Do […]