Dissociative personality disorders are a specific reaction of the body to very traumatic experiences, causing various somatic and psychological symptoms. Their general goal is to distract the mind from serious emotional problems that have not been worked through in any way. Where do dissociative disorders come from? How do they manifest? Can they be cured? Find answers to these questions below. Keep reading!


Dissociative disorders are also called conversion disorders. Psychiatry uses the term “separation” in a very specific context, referring to the separation of what is generally closely related, such as memory, various perceived stimuli, and consciousness.

However, the American classification of diseases considers conversion as various somatic symptoms that appear in people and are closely related to unresolved mental conflicts.

It is also important to realize that everyone experiences the phenomenon of dissociation. For example, when you start dreaming and detach from reality. This phenomenon is entirely natural and should not be a cause for concern. This type of dissociation is not the same as dissociative disorder.


Dissociative disorders can develop in response to a highly stressful, traumatic event in a person’s life. Such traumatic events include, among others:

There can be many more such events. After all, each person has their own level of sensitivity, and various things can affect them and lead to the development of dissociative disorders.


The symptoms of dissociative disorders can be very different and depend on the specific type of dissociative disorder. However, these disorders undoubtedly have a very negative impact on a person’s life. A person with dissociative disorder may lose control over their body or identity. Such disorders can completely cut a person off from the outside world.


Sometimes dissociative disorders go away on their own, but one should not count on that and should not underestimate the problem. In the case of dissociative disorders, it is very important to start therapy.

The key to getting rid of dissociative disorders is to work through the conflicts and emotional problems that led to them. Psychotherapy is the most important aspect in this case and should not be avoided because it gives you a chance to regain control of your life and get rid of dissociative disorders.

The most commonly used psychotherapy is in the cognitive-behavioral approach, although others, such as eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), can also be helpful. Additionally, pharmacotherapy may be used in some cases to alleviate specific symptoms.