Loneliness is a social phenomenon that has been spreading rapidly lately. It is usually associated with old age, grief, or sometimes retirement. Read on to learn what loneliness is and how to deal with it.

Loneliness: What is it?

Loneliness is a state in which we feel a lack of close relationships. It disrupts our sense of security and affects many areas of our mental and physical life. Loneliness affects both young and old people, as well as those who are looking for their other half.

On the one hand, thanks to new technologies, we can gain many friends and maintain relationships with loved ones from a distance. On the other hand, it turns out that new technologies are only a replacement, an illusion that does not translate into a real sense of being in a relationship. New technologies facilitate the creation and maintenance of relationships, but they do not form its foundation.

Different faces of loneliness

Loneliness should not be confused with independence. Not every person who lives alone is lonely. There is a group of people who have a lower need to build close relationships than the rest of the population. Their “loneliness” has little to do with the feeling of loneliness.

Loneliness is not a matter of living alone, but of your mental state. We can feel lonely even when we are in a relationship.

Loneliness in marriage

Sometimes, even though we live in a long-term relationship, we feel lonely and misunderstood. Every relationship has its own dynamics, and we experience its further phases with different intensity.

Despite the various variants of loneliness, there are people for whom loneliness is a negative experience, exposed to many consequences. It cannot be denied that the impact of loneliness on psycho-physical well-being is significant.

Its prolonged duration can be associated with a depressive mood, a feeling of anxiety, or even somatic illnesses. People suffering from loneliness have more health problems and have a harder time coping with crisis situations.

How can we deal with loneliness?

Family, friends, close and distant acquaintances are all relationships that enrich us, increase our sense of security and closeness.

Often times, the feeling of loneliness narrows our field so much that we begin to feel that if we are not in a relationship, we cannot be happy or do not deserve a happy relationship. Then I recommend asking yourself a few questions:

After doing a short “overview,” you may find that life has many areas of joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment.

If loneliness is caused by the loss of a loved one, it is worth taking a break. To survive your loneliness, “stay in it” and experience everything that comes with it.

The feeling of loss must be fully recovered before we return to balance and the possibility of creating relationships. Often, grief and anger begin to dominate our reality.

If this state persists and we do not feel like we are returning to balance even after weeks and months, it is worth seeking the support of a specialist. The loss of a life partner is one of the most stressful events in life, and despite the body’s natural inclination to regenerate, sometimes a visit to a psychologist is necessary.