The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the need to implement certain restrictions that affect daily functioning of society to a greater or lesser extent. These may differ from country to country, but generally can have a negative impact on human well-being. How have the introduced restrictions affected people’s mental health?

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has lasted less than two years, some people feel as if it has been going on much longer. Originally, the pathogen caused fear in most people, but now it can be said that we have become somewhat accustomed to its presence in the world. However, while it is possible to get used to the fact that COVID-19 still affects many people, it is harder to come to terms with something else – restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Restrictions and the mental health of employees

Many people working from home complain of a lack of motivation, and contrary to popular belief, this is at least partially understandable. Suddenly, you don’t have to get up early, put on makeup, or dress in elegant clothes, but professional obligations can still be fulfilled while wearing comfortable sweatpants.

It may seem like an attractive prospect, but in practice, working from home for a long time can be very exhausting, for example, because it is difficult to separate professional life from home life. Since remote work has certain advantages, it can undoubtedly worsen the mental state of employees.

It is worth noting that working from home can sometimes be much more demanding than working in an office – something that those whose children are also learning from home don’t need to be convinced of. Constant questions from children or partners can disrupt concentration, but they also lead to an increasing feeling of frustration and a desire to return to the employer’s office as soon as possible.

Restrictions also have a negative impact on the mental health of employees for another reason. Due to persistent restrictions, some are simply without work – for example, organizers of various events. Other people are afraid that they may lose their job at any time, such as waiters.

Restrictions and their impact on a child’s psyche

Some of the youngest children are happy when they don’t have to go to school – they are happy that they can get up later or play some computer games during classes. However, students who care about learning and good grades often say that remote education does not have a positive impact on them.

Such teaching can be challenging not only for students but also for teachers who face various technical issues. Furthermore, many students are disadvantaged by unstable internet connections, which can hinder their ability to follow the lessons and take tests in real-time.

All of these difficulties can ultimately lead to irritability or depression in children and adolescents.

It is worth noting that isolation from peers can lead to depressive moods in young children. While some students may not mind at all, others may find it difficult to cope, and ultimately, social isolation can lead to the development of depressive or anxiety disorders.

Limitations and mental disorders

Recently, various media outlets have reported an increase in the prevalence of various mental disorders, especially depression and anxiety disorders. There are many reasons for this trend, such as constant risk of illness, fear of job loss, and limitations.

Due to the mandated changes, many people simply feel bad – in the end, the opportunity to participate in cultural events, vacation trips, or simply spending time with friends has been limited.

Returning to balance is also not made easier by the fact that no one knows how long the unfavorable epidemiological situation will last – restrictions can accompany us for several months or even several years.