‘Don’t grow up!”: 8 parental prohibitions that spoil our lives

It happens, a person grew up in a favourable family, but in adulthood he has a series of unpleasant recurring events, everything goes downhill. He begins to ask himself the question: ‘Why?’ And the answer most often comes from childhood. Sometimes everything is explained by parental prohibitions, which inside us continue to operate all our […]
3 phrases that raise daughters to be powerless in the face of male violence

Mothers teach their daughters to be nice and polite. Showing rudeness, getting into a fight – such behaviour is not beautiful for a girl. But by instilling good manners, parents deprive their daughter of self-defence skills. Whether she will be able to resist male violence in the future – few people think about it. Unfortunately, […]
Loneliness as an inheritance: 3 explanations how relationships with parents in childhood affect our lives

What to do if the family was not harmonious? Is it possible to build a strong marriage even if the older generation failed? PROBLEM According to statistics, women turn to psychologists more often. The most urgent request for therapy is about relationships. “Why am I alone?” As a specialist I hear in this: “Why can’t […]
How childhood traumas shape the delayed life syndrome: examples from a coach’s practice

“I’ll get on my feet and start spending more time on my hobbies”, “we’ll buy our own flat, then we’ll make it cosy”, “as soon as the opportunity arises, I’ll definitely talk about a promotion” – do you know such thoughts? If yes, then you are likely to have encountered the syndrome of postponed life, […]
Why loved ones don’t support you: 7 reasons

When changes happen in our lives, for example in our work, relationships or even hobbies, we always want to share our ideas, discuss difficulties and get advice or support. It seems that friends and relatives should be interested in our success, but in reality they are the ones who “get” us the most. Why does […]
How to introduce a new partner to children: the main rules

It’s normal to be afraid to introduce your kids to your new partner. It is not easy for everyone to accept a new person, and even learn to live with him, as often happens in such cases … For everyone who faces such a process, there are some useful tips from psychologists and psychoanalysts. Psychoanalyst […]
What to do if a child is bullied at school: step by step instructions

Communication with peers does not always go smoothly. For some children, school turns into a place where being unpleasant, humiliating and even scary. Anyone can become a victim of ridicule. How to respond correctly if you find out that a child is being harassed? The teacher-psychologist of the senior Lomonosov school Ekaterina Vitkovskaya tells. Let’s […]
How to “fix” a spoilt child: 9 steps

A spoilt child often feels that the whole world revolves around them. They are used to getting what they want when they want it – otherwise they may throw a tantrum. But this situation can be reversed! It is possible to teach such a child to be hard-working, to develop empathy, resilience and respect for […]
How to make separation easier for children: 3 tips for parents

Separation is equally traumatic for both children and parents. But going through this phase is important: to learn to choose themselves, to get rid of illusions and to become adults. Both sides. We tell you why it’s important for children to find their own identity and what parents can do about it. There is an […]
What to do if loved ones don’t support your initiatives: 7 steps

Eyes burning, thoughts boiling, heart full of determination – you excitedly tell your parents, partner or friends about your plans, counting on support and a kind word. But you face criticism and the uncomfortable question, “Why would you do that?” Let’s look at why loved ones may refuse approval and how to go after your […]